Mostly old, something new.

Life really likes to live on repeat, or that’s how it seems anyway. Went to dinner wih some friends and yet again it leads to me not being listened to. Well, more that they didn’t understand rather than not listening, but apparently since their doctor told them one thing all of mine have to be […]

Muscle Issues

So, something that I’m noticing more now as time goes on with me being unable to eat plants and all the supplements I have available (that I know of) is that the lack of those vitamins is starting to catch up to me. While we’re still waiting on the blood tests, it would appear that […]

Catching Up

Right, so it’s been a bit, but between work and doctors appointments I’ve had zero energy for anything once I get home. It also turns out that once I am home, even with some energy to do things the last thing I want to do is hop on my laptop and write about this depressing […]