Mostly old, something new.

Life really likes to live on repeat, or that’s how it seems anyway. Went to dinner wih some friends and yet again it leads to me not being listened to. Well, more that they didn’t understand rather than not listening, but apparently since their doctor told them one thing all of mine have to be wrong, and because I pick up a change of sleeping habits when I’m not working as much means I must always be like that. It honestly amazes me sometimes how a person can complain constantly about how coworkers/family/friends do a thing like this, and then that person does exactly that to someone else.

Sure, my sleeping pattern may be weird on off days and a bit extreme when I’m in a long stretch of not working in the off season. Come the constant work times, however, I’m back into a sleep cycle that works and my doctors all say is fine. Not sure how that can be argued against, but they try wihout all the information, as normal. Yet again reassuring my issues with finding a health advocate.

In other news, it turns out that my Vitamin D levels are really low, so my doctor put me on a prescription dose of it for a while to help raise it up. It’s not hard to see how I got there, since i spend like no time out in the sun anymore. The low levels may also be part of, if not the main, reason for some of my muscle issues. I only just started the treatment so it’s a little early to tell, but I’m going to be just a little hopeful it helps.

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